General Guidelines:

Anesthesia: Local anesthesia administered by a physician to perform any musculoskeletal procedure is considered as an inclusive procedure and should not be billed separately.

The section is 
divided by the anatomical site (General, Head, Neck, Back, etc)

Under that subsections are based on procedures like,

            ·         Incision (A surgical cut),

       ·         Excision (Removing),

            ·         Manipulation (Reduction),

            ·         Introduction/Removal, Repair/reconstruction (Arthrography / Arthroplasty),

       ·         Fracture /dislocation, Arthrodesis (Surgical fusion),

       ·         Amputation (Surgical cutting) procedures.

  • All services that appear in the Musculoskeletal System section include the application and removal of the first cast, splint, or traction device, when performed. Supplies may be reported separately. 

           Fracture/Dislocation Treatment Definitions:

  • These codes are categorized by the type of treatment (closed, percutaneous, open) and type of stabilization (fixation, immobilization). 
  • Fracture – Break in the continuity of a bone, Maybe Traumatic / Pathological.

Pathological Fracture – A pathologic fracture is a broken bone that’s caused by a disease, rather than an injury. eg Osteoporosis

Traumatic Fracture – A traumatic fracture occurs when significant or extreme force is applied to a bone. Examples include broken bones caused by impacts from a fall or car accident.

  • Manipulation: Reduction by the application of manually applied forces or traction to achieve satisfactory alignment of the fracture or dislocation. If satisfactory alignment (reduction) is not maintained and requires subsequent re-reduction of a fracture or dislocation by the same physician or same qualified health care professional, append modifier 76 to the fracture/dislocation treatment code.
  • Traction: The application of a distracting or traction force to the spine or a limb. Skeletal traction includes a wire, pin, screw, or clamp that is attached to (penetrates) bone. Skin traction is the application of force to a limb using strapping or a device that is applied directly to the skin only.
  • Dislocation – Displacement of a bone from its normal position.

         Fractures are treated either by Closed/Open/Percutaneous

The type of fracture does not have any coding correlation with the type of treatment.

1.    Closed Treatment – fracture site is not surgically opened, it can be treated by: (eg, application of cast, splint, or strapping)

             A.   With or without manipulation

             B.    With or without traction.

     2.    Open Treatment – Making incision and surgically opened the fracture site. The fracture can be treated by

    A.   Internal fixation

         B.    Intramedullary nail across the fracture site.  (ORIF)

     3.    Percutaneous skeletal fixation – Fracture fragments are not visualizedbut fixation pins are placed across the fracture site using x-ray imaging. 

External Fixation – Usage of skeletal pins and attaching the device to treat acute or chronic conditions.

Re-reduction of a fracture/dislocation by the same physician would be identified by adding modifier 76.

Generally, Removal of external devices in the postoperative period is included with an application of external immobilization devices (Casts, strapping and splints). 

Removal of a superficial or deep implant (Pin/rod/buried wire) requires a surgical procedure to remove the implant would be billed with appropriate CPT (20670 – 20680). Note: If another procedure is necessary to do in the same site during the removal of implant can’t be coded separately.  

If a closed fracture treatment procedure fails and followed by an open procedure at the same session, code only the open procedure.

CPT codes for closed, percutaneous, or open treatment of fractures or dislocations include the application and removal of cast, strap or splint. Hence should not be billed separately.

Cast and Strapping (29000-29584) – would be billed only under the circumstances like

  • If the physician treats the fracture or dislocation only with cast or splint without a restorative treatment or procedure to stabilize fracture/dislocation. 

Note: Initial cast/strap or splint is included in the treatment of fracture or dislocation codes performed at the same session. 

  • Subsequent replacement of cast, splint, or strapping (29000- 29750) and/or traction device (eg, 20690, 20692) during or after the global period may be reported separately. 
  • A cast, splint, or strapping is not considered part of the preoperative care; therefore, the use of modifier 56 for preoperative management only is not applicable.

Dynamic splint: 
Allow movementswith stability

(dynamic splints employ traction devices such as rubber bands, springs, cords, or Velcro strips to alter the range of passive motion of a joint or joints.)

Static Splint: 
Prevent movements

(Static splints have no moving components and provide support and immobilization, while)

Procedures performed on fingers should be reported with modifiers FA, F1-F9 and on toes should be reported with modifiers TA, T1-T9

Wound Exploration (20100 – 20103)

Traumatic wounds that result from penetrating trauma (gunshot or stabbing).

These codes describe;

            ·         Surgical exploration and enlargement of wound

            ·         Extension of dissection (Determine penetration)

            ·         Debridement/foreign body removal

            ·         Ligation and coagulation of minor blood vessels.

These codes cover both exploration and repair of that area.

 If Simple/Intermediate/Complex repair performed that doesn’t require wound enlargement then report specific Closure/Repairs codes from the Integumentary system. 

        If Thoracotomy or laparotomy is performed, wound exploration is included.

Excision: (20150-20251)

Biopsy – 
examination of tissue removed from the living body

If a biopsy is performed along with any excision/repair/destruction/removal of internal fixation procedure at the same site is considered as an inclusive procedure and should not be billed (Biopsy) separately.

If the biopsy is performed at a different site – It is a billable service.

Biopsy procedures are divided by,

            ·         Type of Biopsy (Muscle/Bone)

       ·         Depth (Superficial/Deep)

            ·         Method (Open/Percutaneous)

A. Excisionof Subcutaneous soft tissue tumors:

Simple or Marginal resection of tumors from subcutaneous tissue (Above deep fascia)

Tumors are usually benign in nature. Resection doesn’t include surrounding normal tissue.

Code selection is based on;

     ·         Location and size of tumor.

      ·         Size is measuring the greatest diameter of tumor with most narrow margin required.

     ·         If Complex repair is performed to close the wound – Reported additionally.

Note: Simple and Intermediate repair is included with this Excision procedure.

B. Excision of Fascial / Subfascial soft tissue tumors:

Simple or Marginal resection of tumors from fascia or below the deep fascia (Above bone)

Tumors are usually benign in nature / Intramuscular. Resection doesn’t include surrounding normal tissue.

Code selection is based on;

            ·         Location and size of tumor.

    ·         Size is measuring the greatest diameter of tumor with most narrow margin required.

        ·         If Complex repair is performed to close the wound – Reported additionally.

Note: Simple and Intermediate repair is included with this Excision procedure.

C. Radical resection of soft connective tissue tumors:

Resection of Subcutaneous / Subfascial tumor with wide margins of normal tissue

Tumors are usually malignant / Aggressive benign tumors in nature. Resections include surrounding normal tissue (Removal of Tissue from one or more layers).

Code selection is based on;

          ·         Location and size of tumor.

            ·         Size is measuring the greatest diameter of tumor with the most narrow margin required.

            ·         If Complex repair is performed to close the wound – Reported additionally.

Note: Simple and Intermediate repair is included with this Excision procedure.

D. Radical resection of bone tumors:

Resection of the bone tumor with wide margins of normal tissue 

Tumors are usually malignant / Aggressive benign tumors in nature. Resections include surrounding normal tissue (Removal of Tissue from one or more layers).

Code selection is based on;

            ·         Location of tumor.

      ·         Size is measuring the greatest diameter of tumor with the most narrow margin required.

             ·           If Complex repair is performed to close the wound – Reported additionally.

Note: Simple and Intermediate repair is included with this Excision procedure.

If the surrounding soft tissue is removed during these procedures – Don’t report radical resection of soft tissue tumor codes.

Manual preparation 

  • involves the mixing and preparation of antibiotics or other therapeutic agent(s) with a carrier substance by the physician or other qualified health care professional during the surgical procedure and then shaping the mixture into a drugdelivery device(s) (eg, beads, nails, spacers) for placement in the deep (eg, subfascial) intramedullary or intra-articular space(s). 
  • Codes 20700, 20702, 20704 are add-on codes for the manual preparation and insertion of the drug-delivery device during the associated primary surgical procedure listed with each add-on code. 
  • Codes 20701, 20703, 20705 are add-on codes for the removal of drug-delivery device(s) during the associated primary surgical procedures listed in the parenthetical codes associated with each add-on code. 
  • Report 20680, if removal of drug-delivery device(s) is performed alone. 
  • Report 20700, 20701, 20702, 20703, 20704, 20705 once per anatomic location.

REPLANTATION (20802 – 20838)

·        These codes are used based on anatomical location with complete amputation.

Note:  For incomplete amputationrepair – Assign specific codes with modifier 52.

Bone Graft:During spinal fusion, a solid bridge is formed between two vertebral segments in the spine to stop the movement in that particular section of the spine.

Bone graft / Bone graft substitute is needed to create the environment for the solid bridge to form. It allows the new bone formation to fuse the section of the spine together.

Types of Bone graft:

      ·         Autograft – Graft from one site to another site of the same individual. 

      ·         Allograft – Graft from a donor of the same species. Sometimes from Cadaver.

Note: Morselized (The process of dividing into small portions)

During the spine fusion surgery same incision or a separate incision is made to remove bone graft from the patient’s body (Usually iliac bone, Ribs or spine) called Harvesting.

don’t use modifier 62 along with bone graft codes (20900 – 20938)

For spinal surgery bone graft[s] see codes 20930-20938

Introduction or Removal:

Injection of  

                ·         Sinus tract

           ·         Tendon

           ·         Trigger point

            ·        Joints (Arthrocentesis/Aspiration/Injection)

Arthrocentesis/ Aspiration/ Injection of joint or Bursa (CPT 20600 – 20611)

            ·         Codes are based on the size of the joints (Small/Intermediate/Large)

            ·         Also based on Ultrasound guidance utilized or not.

      ·         Different techniques performed in a single joint and surrounding structure should be considered a single unit of service. Eg: Arthrocentesis of RT knee with an aspiration of RT knee bursa should be coded as one unit of 20610 or 20611.

        ·         If the procedures are performed more than one joint – Code both separately.

            ·         Injection of substance doesn’t include drug, the drug should be billed separately with HCPCS II codes.

Example: the provider injected 40 mg of Kenalog into the Left knee joint and removed 4 cc of fluid from the Right Knee using Ultrasound guidance.  Ans: 20611, 20611 – 59, J3301 x 4 

SI joint Injection:  CPT 27096 including guidance code.

       ·         If CT or Fluoroscopic imaging is used – Code 27096

            ·         If CT or Fluoroscopic imaging is not used – Code 20552

        ·         Bilateral sacroiliac joint injection – Append Modifier 50 with the CPT code.

ARTHROGRAPHY:Radiographic visualization of a joint after injecting a contrast. 

A special form of X-ray called fluoroscopy to guide and evaluate the injection of contrast material directly into the joint cavity. Some time Ultrasound may be used.

What is the difference between Arthrography and MRI study?

      In MRI contrast is administered into the vein but in Arthrography contrast is injected into the joint under guidance (Fluoroscopy).

What is Supervision and Interpretation (S&I)?

     A radiologist can perform percutaneous procedures alone or else guide a surgeon technically with guidance (Ultrasound / Fluoroscopy / CT / MRI)

         ·      If a radiologist bill a procedure solely done by him – Bill both surgery code and S&I code

            ·      If he guides a surgeon – Bill only S&I code with modifier 52. The surgeon would have billed for his procedures. 

            ·     Some procedures codes include the guidance codes – Radiologist shouldn’t bill separately.

Arthrography coding guidelines:

            1.      If fluoroscopy is utilized without interpretation– Code Arthrography with Fluoroscopy codes

            2.      Both guidance and Interpretation – Code Arthrography with S&I codes

Note:  All S&I codes include guidance (Fluoroscopy) codes.

Repair/ Revision/ Reconstruction:

Arthroplasty – Surgical reconstruction / Replacement of a joint

An open surgical procedure, articular surface of the joint is replaced by artificial (Prosthesis)  

   ·       Most common in Knee or Hip, Complete removal of damaged surface and replaced with an artificial prosthesis.

    ·        It may be complete (Both articular surface) or partial (one articular surface)

Reconstruction of ligaments – Surgical procedure to replace torn ligaments using a graft.


Arthrodesis:Fusion of two bones to prevent movement.

·         Surgical procedure performed in Joints (Ankle, Carpals, Tarsal’s, Spine, etc)

     ·         The ends of two bones are fused together with screws and bone graft.

Key terms to be noted in spine Arthrodesis,

      1.      Approach and location

            2.      Bone Graft

            3.      Instrumentation


      ·         Lateral extracavitary approach (22532 – 22534)

            ·         Anterior (or) anterolateral approach 

            ·         Posterior (or) postero-lateral or Lateral transverse process technique 

Anterior (or) anterolateral approach (22548 – 22586)

·         CPT 22554 – 22558 is for single interspace, for additional interspace use +on 22585

Vertebral interspace – Non-bony compartment between two adjacent vertebral bodies (contain the disc)

        Vertebral segment– Single complete vertebral bone    

SPINE – Arthrodesis
 (Surgical fusion between vertebras)

  • Within the spine section, bone grafting procedures are reported separately and in addition to arthrodesis. 
  • To report bone grafts performed after arthrodesis, see 20930- 20938. Do not append modifier 62 to bone graft codes 20900- 20938.

Eg 1: Posterior Arthrodesis of L4-L5 for DDD utilizing morselized autogenous iliac bone graft harvested through a separate fascial incision.    

        Ans: CPT 22612, 20937

Similarly, the instrumentation is also reported separately in addition with Arthrodesis. But don’t use modifier62 along with definitive or add on spinal instrumentation procedure codes. (22840- 22848, 22850, 22852, 22853, 22854, 22859)

Instrumentation:Hardware implants used in spine surgery. Devices include,

       ·         Rods

            ·         Hooks

            ·         Plates

            ·         Screws

            ·         Interbody cages

There are two types of Spinal instrumentation procedures,

            1.      Segmental

            2.      Non – segmental (There are no codes for anterior non – segmental instrumentation)

Segmental: Stabilize the spine by attaching to each individual segment that was fused.

Non – Segmental: 
Doesn’t attach at each level. Curved rod is attached at top and bottom.

Eg 2: Posterior Arthrodesis of L4-S1, utilizing morselized autogenous iliac bone graft harvested through a separate fascial incision and pedicle screw fixation.

        Ans: 22612, 22614, 22842, 20937

     ·         CPT 22586 – Arthrodesis, pre-sacral interbody technique, including disc space preparation, discectomy, with posterior instrumentation, with image guidance, includes bone graft when performed, L5-S1 interspace (Don’t report bone graft or instrumentation or fluoroscopy guidance code along with this CPT).

Note: Bone grafting procedures are reported separately in addition with Arthrodesis. But don’t use modifier 62 along with bone graft codes (20930 – 20938)

When Arthrodesis is performed along with another procedure (Fracture care, laminectomy, osteotomy and vertebral corpectomy) then bill Arthrodesis service with modifier 51 (Except +add on codes).  

Eg 3: 
L2 Burst fracture treatment by corpectomy and followed by Arthrodesis of L1-L3, utilizing anterior instrumentation (L1-L3) and structural allograft.

63090, 22558-51, 22585, 22845, 20931 (Don’t append modifier 51 with add on codes)

·         If two surgeons work together as primary surgeons performing distinct parts – Each surgeon should report his distinct work by appending modifier 62.

Eg 4: A53 yrs old man with the history of posttraumatic DDD at L3-L4 and L4-L5 underwent surgical repair. Surgeon A performed an anterior exposure of the spine with the mobilization of the great vessels. Surgeon B performedanterior (minimal) discectomy and fusion at L3-L4 and L4-L5 using an anterior interbody technique.

Surgeon A: 22558 – 62, 22585 – 62

         Surgeon B: 22558 – 62, 22585 – 62, 20931 (Bone graft don’t append mod 62)

Percutaneous Vertebroplasty and vertebral augmentation:

CPT codes 22510 – 22515 (includes bone biopsy)

Is the process of injecting a material (Cement) into the vertebral body to reinforce the structure of the body using imaging guidance.

Vertebral Augmentation: 
Is the process of cavity creation followed by the injection of material (Cement) under imaging guidance.

0200T – 0201T

Vertebral Augmentation includes Vertebroplasty

Percutaneous Augmentation and Annuloplasty

22526 Percutaneous intradiscal electrothermal annuloplasty, unilateral or bilateral including fluoroscopic guidance; single level 

22527 1 or more additional levels (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

(Use 22527 in conjunction with 22526) 

(Do not report codes 22526, 22527 in conjunction with 77002, 77003) 

(For percutaneous intradiscal annuloplasty using method other than electrothermal, use 22899)

Posterior, Posterolateral or Lateral Transverse Process Technique


Corpectomy: Identifies removal of a vertebral body during spinal surgery. 

Facetectomy: The excision of the facet joint between two vertebral bodies. There are two facet joints at each vertebral segment (see below). 

Foraminotomy: The excision of bone to widen the intervertebral foramen. The intervertebral foramen is bordered by the superior notch of the adjacent vertebra, the inferior notch of the vertebra, the facet joint, and the intervertebral disc. 

Hemilaminectomy: Removal of a portion of a vertebral lamina, usually performed for exploration of, access to, or decompression of the intraspinal contents.

Lamina: Pertains to the vertebral arch, the flattened posterior portion of the vertebral arch extending between the pedicles and the midline, forming the dorsal wall of the vertebral forameny, and from the midline junction of which the spinous process extends.

Laminectomy: Excision of a vertebral lamina, commonly used to denote removal of the posterior arch. 

Laminotomy: Excision of a portion of the vertebral lamina, resulting in enlargement of the intervertebral foramen for the purpose of relieving pressure on a spinal nerve root.

Decompression performed on the same vertebral segment(s) and/or interspace(s) as posterior lumbar interbody fusion that includes laminectomy, facetectomy, and/or foraminotomy may be separately reported using 63052, 63053.

Arthrodesis for the spinal deformity (Scoliosis / Kyphosis)

Lordosis, kyphosis, and scoliosis are curves seen in the spine. Lordosis is normal for the neck and lower back. Kyphosis, on the other hand, is only normal for the thoracic (upper and mid-back). In double or “S-shaped” scoliosis, the spine bends and twists simultaneously. 

Codes are based on the approach and vertebral segments

            ·         Posterior (22800 – 22804)

       ·         Anterior  (22808 – 22812)

Arthroscopy– Look within the joint,

A minimally invasive surgical procedure on a Joint, orthopaedic surgeons views the joint without making a large cut through the skin and other soft tissues. An endoscope is inserted into the joint via small incisions.

Surgical arthroscopy includes diagnostic arthroscopy.

Arthroscopy procedure is inclusive with the open procedure is performed at the same site.

Arthroscopy and open procedure at a different site would be coded with the appropriate modifier. 

If arthroscopy is performed along with arthrotomy – append modifier 51